Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Ringling-Barnum Circus 1950's

This is the RBBB Midway in the 1950's when the four ticket wagons carried these expanded metal panels, that when raised, unfolded and joined together formed a colorful entryway.
At right is the side show bannerline featuring pictorials by Bill Ballentine.


Anonymous said...

these metal panels were and may still be set up over the office of Circus Hall of Fame office in Peru,Indiana

Anonymous said...

the art work was refurbished by Maggie Keane before it was erected in Peru

Anonymous said...

I don't remember if the panels were in use in 1949, my first time to see the Ringling show (when it was the Ringling show). That spread of canvas was breathtaking when you walked on the lot. My most indelible memory remains seeing Gargantua.

Anonymous said...

I remember what I assume was one set of the panels and a ticket wagon at the Circus Hall of Fame in Sarasota. Maybe they went to Peru?