Friday, June 02, 2006

Baptiste Schreiber #1

This is Mr. Schreiber with the Ringling Show in 1950 with "Lelabardi" and "Manula". John North had seen him in Europe and brought the act over.
I know nothing of acrobatics but it looks to me like he would land in a sitting position. There are enough people around who saw this act who might enlighten me.

At the close of the season the Show made it's annual indoor engagement in Havana but while down there "Manula" suddenly dropped dead. Schreiber returned to Europe and "Lelabardi" was sold to Mills Brtos. Circus where she remained for many years.


Anonymous said...

either land sitting or on his face

Anonymous said...

Looks like it would hurt either way. I could see where wearing socks would come in handy here.

Anonymous said...

Your photos of Baptiste Schreiber were such a treat! In 1964 I was a "first of May" on the old Mills Bros. show, and at season's end was the lucky gal doing the head carry in the elephant act (my head in Burma's mouth). Jack Mills used to tell me Burma was taught the head carry by Baptiste Schreiber, and I've never been able to find much info on him. Also, in pic # 1, "Leilabardi" was on the show in '64, and through the years I've heard the whereabouts of some of the other elephants, but always wondered about her. Keep up your WONDERFUL BLOG, and congratulations on your Grandfatherdom!

Buckles said...

That was an odd thing for Jack Mills to say since I'm not aware that Schreiber was ever around those elephants.
Hugo Schmitt worked them for 4 years 1950-53 but Burma was doing the head carry well before that.
When the Mills Show went off the road following the 1965 season all elephants were sold to Circo Union in Mexico.

Anonymous said...

I recall booby mentioning he had a male with him when he came from europe to the ringling if so who was it ?

Buckles said...

"Manula" and "Lelabardi" were both females and in 1955 the three he brought over were females as well "Lizzie", "Blondie" and "Bambi".