Monday, April 03, 2006

Damage Control

I received an interesting eMail yesterday from Bud C. asking why so few circus people respond to my Blog Site and the answer is quite simple. Most go thru life thinking that any day now, Kenneth Feld will come to his senses and give them a job and since most of our entertainment comes from Ken & Nicole Show bashing, being quoted here is not a smart move.
I hear from plenty of show folk via eMail and some particularly ask not to be mentioned by name.
In fact word last night was that the Damage Control People are now evaluating the Incredible Shrinking Show's current dilemma to detemine how long it will take to ride this bad press out.
So it looks like Ringless Bros. is here to stay.


Anonymous said...

Mornin' Buckles.... I don't think the bashing is any worse than it has been for 135 years.. Unfortunately for the show, it's not bashing this year,, it's the plain and simple truth... Lee Stevens

Anonymous said...

Hey, Ken and Nicole,

Stop flushing your legacy down the toilet.
That's right I said it!
Wes Hansen

That's H-A-N-S-E-N

Anonymous said...

The question now isn't what happens to the Blue, it's what happens to the Red? The Gold Unit works for what it is, so maybe that one doesn't need "reinventing."

Anonymous said...

Ringling is the last show that trully can do the three ring format.Most shows that say they have three do not.Not enough money
to do displays,and producers want
three or more acts medioaker.
Rather then one great one.I do however understand the need to compete with the Cirque
shows and trying to do something new is not a crime.It is to bad that Ringling has to put so much money into the marketing of a show.
That they are unable to change the production when the Brain Storm
failed to become the perfect storm.
Speaking of less then perfect storm
big apple is rehashing the coney island theme.No new ideas out of that brain trust.They would have more money to devote to an artistic vision if they moved out of Manhatten.WASTE....
See Corteo it's a good show,Gaint,
midgets,and not all the make-up and they have more then 6 tented
shows.14,000 sq meters on site.
You could put a show on in their
artist tent.