Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Barnum & Bailey's Greatest Show on Earth #1

Everyone bundled up pretty good, even blankets on the horses as the ring stock heads for the lot. The date would be 10/30/13 while only three days remain before returning to Bridgeport for the winter where those overcoats will really come in handy.
I'm sure that my ever alert viewership is well aware that in 1913 the Ringling brothers owned not only the Greatest Show on Earth but Ringling Bros. World's Greatest Shows as well, neither to be confused with Ken & Nicole's Incredible Shrinking Show.


Anonymous said...

This name has to be very confusing to the public. They spend a fortune for tickets expecting to see something like this. There ought to be a law about buying names that were once honerable and respected. Kind of like killers not profiting from writing a book or making a movie.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is very, very good Rebecca!