Wednesday, March 01, 2006

2nd "Hattie"

You are right Rebecca, this is the second "Hattie" in 1951. She was among the second group of elephants purchased in the winter of 1949-50.
She and two others were imported for Polack Bros. Circus in 1949 for Cheerful Gardner to train they were named "April", "May", and "June" but Cheerful wasn't up to the job due to illness and advanced age (he was probably around 71) so they decided to purchase the MGM elephants and sold these three to the Millers.
First thing Obert wanted to name one after their first elephant "Hattie", the next was named "Anna May" after the elephant that had carried the lion and tiger for Clyde Beatty and was originally trained at Hall's Farm and finally they already had a "Juno" so "June" became "Norma".


Anonymous said...

71 is not an advanced age. Its the shape you are in not the numbers. You would pass for 56 in a dem light.

Buckles said...

This picture is misleading. I was a candy butcher in those days and someone asked me to pose for a picture, I just happened to pick a gentle elephant,no idea who it was, lucky I didn't get slapped up aside the head.

Anonymous said...

I read on the Tes sight that some of the new arrivals are having Dysfunctional Behavior problems. Not to worry they will fix that. And we know how they do that. Tranqualizer anyone? Remember SUE