Friday, February 03, 2006

Big Apple Circus 1982/ Michael Christensen and Carlo Pellegrini


Anonymous said...

Is the man in the back ground nude?

Buckles said...

Could be. Big Apple was quite progressive you know!

AmzgGraceCircus said...

Nice shot of Mr. Stubbs and Mr. Carlo. Back then, all the clowns addressed each other as 'Mr.'...except for Grandam...that wouldn't have worked, would it?

Mr. Carlo said...

Working in the BAC was a privilege. It was a single ring. Very intimate. For the first time in America, four clown were given the opportunity to create entree`s that would last 15-20 minutes. That gave us enough time to really develop a routine with a beginning, middle and blow-off that was very satisfying for us and for the audience. At the time, Michael was the Producing Clown. He communicated with Mr. Paul. Sometimes Michael would come up with an overall idea for a routine, and the rest of us in Clown Alley would come up with the bits. Or, Grandma, Mr. Gordoon or myself, would develop an idea for a routine, pitch it to Mr. Stubbs (Michael), he would run it by Mr. Paul, and then we would debut it for Mr. Paul and the artistic team. With lots of input from Mr. Paul, lots of laughing and improvising, we created new work for the body or work called 'clown routines'. We were very fortunate clowns. We were given a chance to develop the art form. And with stars like The Woodcocks around us everyday, we absorbed their professionalism. And let's not forget Sacha Pavlata in the early days, and Pop Bertini. It was a special time.