Monday, December 26, 2005

Tiebor's seals #2

The article was not complete but from what I read there was no mention of the previous year's Hartford fire. The seal den was always spotted in the back yard rather then in the menagerie for more convenient access to the circus ring so Roland had to be right in the middle of it.
I have seen film clips of seals being loaded from their den into a rather large two wheel cart in which they were then transported right up to the back of the ring. This protected their flippers from stubble and debris. I remember Walter Jennier had a long strip of canvas he used for the same purpose.
You would think that any animal that bounces around on ice glaciers would have indestructable feet but appearantly not.


Anonymous said...

Sea lion flippers: They're not that tough. California sea lions can get around on sand and smooth rocks but can get cut on sharp objects -- then they bleed all over the normally white seal props and costumes.
Sea lion acts have often come to the ring in wagons and cages. I remember the VanDonwen sea lion act with five animals. They performed some modest tricks but at the end they all quickly piled in the cage wagon and got out of the ring. I'm sure that made them very popular with producers.