Speaking of Roland Tiebor, during his long tenure with the Ringling Show, his was one of the acts appearing with that show's #2 Unit in 1943, Spangles Circus. That season business was so big in Madison Sq. Garden that a smaller version of the show remained in the Garden after the big show had left. It, like the new Ken & Nicole Show now in rehearsal at the Tampa Fairgrounds, used a one ring format that partitioned off a large portion of the building placing the choice seats on the round end. The opening night was attended by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt but alas this enterprise eventually failed, maybe a big TV screen might have saved it.
Spangles, like recent editions of Ringling, also had a featured clown: A. Robbins, The Banana Man!
Find out more about him at:
My husband Lewis Morgan, thought it would be neat to contact you.
Coach Nance once informed me, at basketball practice, in no uncertain terms "Woodcock in the war I saw a truck load of dead boys and they had more life than you do!".
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