Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Spangles Circus 1943

Speaking of Roland Tiebor, during his long tenure with the Ringling Show, his was one of the acts appearing with that show's #2 Unit in 1943, Spangles Circus.
That season business was so big in Madison Sq. Garden that a smaller version of the show remained in the Garden after the big show had left.
It, like the new Ken & Nicole Show now in rehearsal at the Tampa Fairgrounds, used a one ring format that partitioned off a large portion of the building placing the choice seats on the round end.
The opening night was attended by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt but alas this enterprise eventually failed, maybe a big TV screen might have saved it.


Pat Cashin said...

Spangles, like recent editions of Ringling, also had a featured clown: A. Robbins, The Banana Man!

Find out more about him at:

Anonymous said...


My husband Lewis Morgan, thought it would be neat to contact you.

Buckles said...

Coach Nance once informed me, at basketball practice, in no uncertain terms "Woodcock in the war I saw a truck load of dead boys and they had more life than you do!".