Dale Riker gave me this picture at the Showfolks Circus last Saturday and is an excellent example to show a novice how a circus big top is erected. "Mena" is taking up center pole #3, the man behind her has the rope wrapped around her harness in a fashion that if she should panic and bolt all he has to do is let go preventing her from taking part of the show down town with her. As you can see the rope is passed thru a pully block at the base of center pole #2, upward to the top of the pole thru another block then down to center pole #3. Once in position, "Mena" will walk to it's base to pull up the final pole. The bales of canvas are already in position to be spread once all the center poles are tied off and secure.
I like that little boy watching the elephant work. I thought the canvas was laid out and the elephant went under to pull the poles up.
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