Wednesday, December 14, 2005

1997 Award

This picture means a lot to Barbara and me.
Of all the people who came to our St. Armands award, these four knew me the longest and came a long way to stand in the wind and rain that day.


Anonymous said...

If that man second from the left is DR, he sure loks like Obert Miller.

Buckles said...

Jimmy Hall, D.R. Miller, Bobby Gibbs and David Rawls.

Anonymous said...

I just noticed I put my name in wrong. Mr Hall is the only one I did not know. Must wait until I have that first cup of coffee before writing. DR was one of a kind. The only bad thing I can think of is those cigars. He was a lot of fun and could fit in anywhere and make you smile.

Anonymous said...

One of the very few things I regret in life and wish I had not done was related to DR. As a house warming gift DR gave me a beautiful hand made colorful ash tray. I think it was for a joke about the cigars I had made to him. I threw it at Gene Garner in a temper fit and broke it a few months later. God I wish I had not done that. Both destroying the ash tray and missing Gene when I did it.

Buckles said...

My wife threw a claw hammer at me once.

Anonymous said...

I threw a gun at JC and did not miss. He never batted an eye and just kept me practicing with out the gun. I was going to learn how to control animals even when I could not control my temper. He thought it was funny. And I did learn. He learned to duck.

Anonymous said...

One good thing about this site is that there are no "family secrets" here.

Anonymous said...

Half the fun of being a MATURE adult, is getting to act like a child again. You can't get sent to your room for spilling family secrets. Most things are funnier now then when they actualy happened. Giovanni mentioned honey buckets in a message this morning. I also have a collection of them. Some things were not better in the old days.