Friday, September 02, 2005

Ringling Bros. Circus early 1900's/ The Riding Duttons

The Dutton's horses always pulled a carriage in their routine. Later pictures show their act with an 18th Century touch, powdered wigs,etc. Always very aristoctatic.
They bought an elephant named "Topsy" from a southern Zoo in 1930 that had been originally brought over for the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair by Hagenbeck and had been many years with Mugivan & Bowers Shows. By this time the Duttons had their own Circus Unit which was a popular attraction at Fairs. In my index file it says that she died in So. America, probably the Duttons had their show booked down there.


Anonymous said...

Did they do costume changes on horseback? It looks like clothing in the wagon. Some of these old acts are unreal. Wish I had seen them in person. Even in the early 60s you did not show the cheeks of your keester. Costumes do wonders for performers. They sure covered many a goof for me. Isla Miller checked every females wardrobe to make sure it was proper.