Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Orton Bros. Circus 1914

This is the Orton show on the lot, pretty good spread of canvas, everything nice and white, it must have been very early in the season. All large animals, camels, elephants, horses and ponies walked from town to town.
The big top is in the background, the two-pole top is the menagerie, in front of that the marquee and at left you can see the back side of a banner line for a pit show which is walled off. This was a large "mandrill" and in the hinterlands they showed, it was a unique attraction.
The Orton's prided themselves in being a "Sunday School" show, no grift, gambling or alcohol allowed on the lot. Consequently they often repeated the same towns every year.


Anonymous said...

Very pretty looking show. As you note, with all that white canvas it must have been early in the season. How big was the top? Looks like three center poles with two middles -- but the resolution is pretty bad on my laptop and I could be failing to spot a 4th pole. Great stuff!