Sunday, July 03, 2005

This is I, at a tender age when the show was still called Barnett Bros. As you can see, to keep me from being underfoot while the show was being set up and equipment being moved around, I was often restrained by this harness that had "buckles" on the back. To the casual observer. I was merely reading the New York Post but I was actually devising a means of escape. My favorite ploy was to attract some town kids and explain that if they would turn me loose I could show them which trailer the Lone Ranger lived in. Buckles


Anonymous said...

For 29 years I've often tried to visulize just what you looked like in this harness thats so notorious ( & your nicknamesake so to speak )
This is a terific photo for all to enjoy along with the tale behind it.Thanks for publishing it - Bud