Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Arky Scott/ Lee Bros. Circus 1925-26

This is Arky with Lee Bros. Circus which was George Christy's #2 unit and seen here with his mother posing with "Gentry Babe". I once heard him tell a story about this show whereas in order to fill out spec they added all able bodied people including Side Show personel. The lady who ran the mitt camp was appalled to learn she had to ride one of the elephants and asked Arky "Any chance of me falling off?" and he replied "You're the God Damn fortune teller!". Buckles


Anonymous said...

Photo is very interesting as Arky gave me the distinct impression he never knew his people. Wonder if this woman could be an adoptive mother? I have information giving Arky's birth in Louisiana, as 1905. This would make him about 20 here, although he told me he had no idea how old he was. Roger Smith

Anonymous said...

Ilove that photo. That's amazing how someone can train elephant to be so obidient.