Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Al G. Barnes Circus 1933/ Spreading the canvas

Looks like an army spreading out the big top canvas but in 1933 even three meals a day and cigarettes was a good deal.
As the stake driver continues around the tent we see the tail end of the stringer wagon. Stringers are the long "stair-step" shaped supports that when one end is raised form the base for the bleachers. The stringers spread out on the ground in the previous picture were used for the grandstand and each
step being wider by design so rather than placing a simple plank like the General Admission people suffered these stringers supported a wider plank (a bible-back) affording a grandstand with chairs.


Anonymous said...

THat looks like Clyde Beatty in the bottome left corner of the picture. Too bad around this time he was doign movies.