Monday, August 06, 2018



Chic Silber said...

Ida & her boys

Chic Silber said...

Ida was the only sister

to the Ringling brothers

Her mother & her daughter

were both named Salome

Chic Silber said...

John Ringling North (JRN)

on the right & brother Henry

(Buddy) on the left

It was Buddy's son that

dabbled in circus ownership

with a previous version of

the Kelly Miller Show now

under new management

** Sorry I had them listed

on opposite sides earlier

Roger Smith said...

Henry Ringling "Buddy" North was the approachable, calm and quiet, human being of the two boys. On the lot, he was known as a perennial soft touch, often "loaning" twenty-dollar bills out to the workingmen, knowing they would never be repaid. As a boy, I wrote letters with nuts-and-bolts questions and compliments to the show, and it was Henry North who responded. His letters were often brief, but considerate, and a hell of a thrill to find in the mail. During my Jungleland era, I met him. He was an elegant gentleman, exquisitely attired, accompanied by two well-groomed German Shepherds. He was at once friendly and inquisitive for who we had at the Compound. But like Buckles has noted here, he and I both were unbelieving that at the mention of Arky Scott, Mr. North drew a total blank, even denying Arky had been on the Ringling show, or that he ever knew him. Amazing indeed, but that was his reply.

Richard Reynolds said...

I agree with Roger Smith's comments. Henry was very approachable. I had correspondence with him. I never met him in person but did once talk to him on the telephone. When Gargantua died in 1949 the show received many letters of condolence and Henry answered all of them.

Richard Reynolds said...

This photo is from 1940 to 1942. Note that the sleepers are painted silver. They were done that way beginning in 1940. In 1943 the Norths were put out in favor of Edith and Robert Ringling.

John North was inspired to change the paint to silver (they had been Pullman green) after he had seen one of the new Florida stream-liners go past him at a Florida crossing.