Wednesday, February 10, 2016

From Tony Greiner

I am not sure this photo is legit, but it is dated 1917. 


Chic Silber said...

I just sent a befitting pictorial

of "Amy DuPont's War Elephants"

that might be a colorful addition

Chic Silber said...

My recollection of "war elephants"

was on a lot in Bridgeport with CBCBC

back in the 60s when a hoodlum mob

threatened the midway & a few of the

herd swinging lengths of chain did

a swell job of clearing them out

Now that's what I call a finish trick

Tony Greiner said...

When I joined on Carson & Barnes #2 in 1978, I was told one of the elephants (Danya, if memory serves) had been trained to swing a chain in just such a circumstance. I was never sure if it was a true story or someone telling tales to a First of May.

Must have been a thing to see!