Monday, May 04, 2015

This mornings TampaTribune!

I've got 2 1/2 acres out back sitting idle.
Couldn't wish for quieter neighbors, I wonder what kind of money they are talking about?
I'll turn this matter over to my wife, she handles the finances.


Chic Silber said...

Sounds like a real moneymaker &

as a side line you could offer

private enterprise repository as

what difference could a few extra

corpses mean to the residents

Chic Silber said...

It could also provide for a great

Halloween Experience Dark Park

Sure easier than girthing up the

ol Howdee on Peggy

Roger Smith said...

Clyde Beatty once told a college professor that " of the drawbacks to Florida's climate" was how his signed copy of Hemingway's DEATH IN THE AFTERNOON had decomposed in storage. That's forensics enough for me.

Buckles said...

I just might move to Sheboygan!

Chic Silber said...


(Bob Hilliard, Dick Sanford, and Sammy Mysels)

Mention my name in Sheboygan,
It's the greatest little town in the world.
Just tell them all you're an old friend of mine,
And every door in town will have a big welcome sign.
So mention my name in Sheboygan,
And if you ever get in a jam,
Just mention my name, I said mention my name
But please don't tell 'em where I am.

Mention my name in Paducah,
It's the greatest little town in the world.
I know a gal there you'll simply adore,
She was "Miss Paducah" back in nineteen-o-four.
So mention my name in Paducah,
And if you ever get in a mess,
Just mention my name, I said mention my name
But please don't give them my address.

Mention my name in Elmira,
It's the greatest little town in the world.
I told the Mayor that he would go far,
I even gave the sheriff an exploding cigar.
So mention my name in Elmira,
And if they ever try to put you in jail,
Just mention my name, I said mention my name
But please don't write to me for bail.

Mention my name in Tacoma,
It's the greatest little town in the world.
I know the big shots in their City Hall,
They're even got my picture on the post office wall.
So mention my name in Tacoma,
And if you ever get in a spat,
Just mention my name, I said mention my name
But please don't tell 'em where I'm at.

Chic Silber said...

The stanza about Paducah reminds

me of the late Bobby Snowden

GaryHill said...

Might go to stinkin for a few days Captn?