Wednesday, December 12, 2018



Chic Silber said...

Frank McClosky became pals

with this pathetic singing

cowboy he discovered in some

gin mill in Florida so he

booked him for the Commack

season opening date a few

years which punished both

the attendees & the crew

Harry "Woo Woo" Stevens

joe giordano said...

Saw "Woo Woo" at the opening in the L.I. Arena. As a little boy when he was announced I was excited to see a real live cowboy. Having Roy Rogers as my idol with The Lone Ranger and Hoppy not far behind to say the least I was very disappointed seeing "Woo Woo". When recalling my memory of his singing my ears are aching. The audience being punished is an understatement.

Roger Smith said...

This guy is a new one to me. What a hoot. Frank McClosky and Woo Woo.

VC Arivett said...

I was on prop crew at that and all of us would head for the locker rooms when he started. he also did a couple dates under the tent with us.

Chic Silber said...

Yes I think he did the Philly date once or twice