Sunday, April 09, 2017

#5 Horses

Lucio Cristiani.


Roger Smith said...

When I knew Lucio, on the '64 Beatty show, he was still somersaulting from horse to horse. He was in his mature years then, and the full twist seen here had been retired. But he caught his straight back somersault twice a day, and the smile on his face lit up the Big Top.

Dick Flint said...

Remember it well! This still looks like it is from the "Pete Smith Special" series from the 1930s. The Cristiani film, about 8-10 minutes, is on You Tube. Lucio first told me about it and I later used it in a program when I was at the Smithsonian in the early 1980s. It shows the act at its peak, before Lucio introduced his comedy work into the act.