Saturday, December 20, 2014

Unidentified #12

Corral Menagerie, caused by either a tight lot or a late arrival.

I've told the story before about the time in 1957 when I saw one of the old RBBB menagerie tents being used at the Sarasota County Fair.
I asked Dave Mullaney about the ragged looking green stuff attached to the canvas at the top of each quarter pole and he explained that one year the menagerie had a jungle motif and these would have been the palm leaves surmounting quarter poles painted in a likewise manner.
Here we see the cages used that season.


Paul Gutheil said...

Some of these cages ended up at Bob Dietch's Kiddie Zoo in Fairlawn, NJ, replete with at least on tiger. That plot of land now houses a nursing home.

Roger Smith said...

Our wagon guys will have to name the years this jungle effect was used on the converted ammo wagons--but I saw this design, I think at least twice, in that era. I can't be sure if it was used in '49, when I saw Gargantua, in October. Who can nail the seasons?