Saturday, October 18, 2014

Lincoln Center #1

"Peggy" and "Toto" getting ready for a morning show.


Unknown said...

This wasn't peggy from the ringling show years before or after was it?

Buckles said...

In 1982 I drove up to Lakeland to visit the Ringling Show and Gunther told me he had an elephant he was having a little trouble with (Eva) and said he would give her to me at the end of the season and being within my price range I agreed.
A few days later I got an emergency call closing day in Tallahassee asking if I could get up there immediately.
By the time I arrived all that remained was Gunther and the elephant.
By our return home she had a new name, after my sister in law,"Peggy".

Chic Silber said...

Guess that must have been before

Carola sold the animals to Feld

Chic Silber said...

As I asked before did all of the

Ray gals have namesake elephants

Buckles said...

The only one I missed was her oldest sister Lottie.