Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tiger! Tiger! #7


Jim Alexander said...

Guy Gossing. Guy's tiger act debuted in 1966 and some of the cats were really hot - not a calm Charly Baumann type. He played a lot of Shrine dates into the early 70s.

John Herriott said...

He had a fighting lion act before he changed to tigers, but he trained them the same way.

Dennis said...

After watching his act a few times at Summerfest in Milwaukee, in the 70's, I approached him and his wife.
I was in the process of trying to get into the business.
Both he and wife did their best to discourage me.
And yes, it was the hottest cat act I have ever seen. I don't think he even broke a sweat.

Ole Whitey said...

Who was it who told the story here of suggesting to Bill Golden that he buy this act and he replied, "I wouldn't go in that cage with a bazooka"!!!!

Anonymous said...

In 1973, when I was the announcer, we had him on the Carden Johnson Show. Remember it being a good act and his wife assisting hm.


Guy always wore a snap button Cowboy shirt in his act. That how you can always pick him out.