Thursday, April 17, 2014

Elephant Ballet #2


Chic Silber said...

Did any (or many) of the hands

or assistants go on to higher

position in the elephant depts

Other than Walter these names

don't seem very familiar

Buckles said...

I later knew three of McLain's assistants Duffy, Streamline and Whitie Haven.
Others were Danny Dewey, Leo Harsh (Possum Red), Freddy Wells (later on wardrobe), Gabe Tucker and Richard Shipley who eventually took over the herd.
Fred Logan told me about this guy John O'Neal a pretty tough customer.
When Hugo Schmitt came to the show in 1947 his wardrobe trunk preceeded him and was dropped of at the elephant men's top.
O'Neal promptly forced it open and began tossing things around when Hugo suddenly entered and a battle royal ensued.
Freddy said O'Neal got his ass waxed pretty good that day and after things died down, Hugo and his trunk were moved over to the men's dressing room.
He also mention that some of the things strewn about were medals that Hugo been awarded Hugo in Europe.