Sunday, June 21, 2009

On the subject of Australia!

Scan11790, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

If Wanda Moore sees this, maybe she can fill in some of the blanks.

This picture of "Suzy" was taken by Chang Reynolds, May 14, 1962 on the Carson & Barnes lot (owned by Wanda's father Jack Moore) in Barstow, California.
In my notes, I have her listed as being purchased in 1958 but I failed to add where she came from. I seem to recall Texas, Wanda might remember.
My folks and I were out West with Rudy Bros. at that time so I have no idea who trained her, Logan or Shipley.
On first sight I came to the conclusion that this was about the ugliest elephant I had ever set eyes on but over the years she filled out and remained very reliable but on occasion might fetch the grooms "a cheeky whallop".
Her entire circus career has been with Carson & Barnes, owned by either Moore or Miller and if someone had told me 50 years ago that she would one day be featured in New York City with the Greatest Show on Earth, I would have begged to differ.



Dennis said...

I have been asking about Suzy on various blogs for a few years. Where is she now or has she passed?
She is the only elephant I have worked with.

Buckles said...

As we speak she is receiving praise anonymously from assorted Ringling supporters, Wednesday thru Sunday at Coney Island.

wanda moore said...

Buckles, I don't remember the details, except Daddy purchased Suzy from a zoo. Shipley went to get her and on the way to the show at night..
He was stopped on the road and told by another driver..."Sir, I don't know what you have in the back of your truck, but it coming OUT!"
Suzy behaved like a spoiled child..Mabel adopted her and protected her from Jenny...the mentally retarded one.
One day, a small boy pushed his bike too close to Suzy, and she reached out, took the bike and smashed it several times on the ground...the poor boy cried...Daddy,paid the bill.
Shipley and I performed with Mabel,Jenny, and Suzy for a long time. I have some great memories.
Thanks for your blog.
Wanda Moore...Melbourne, Australia

wanda moore said...

Buckles, On another subject...
My son, Michael Hoover (nephew of Dave Hoover) and his wife Emily added a son in May. He was named Carson Alexander Hoover....
The baby room is decorated with Carson and Barnes
I am going for a visit in July...the family lives in Hawaii.
I am currently in Dallas visiting my brother, Mike, and sister, Martha.
Went to Hugo last week.
Wanda Moore

jerry digney said...

Wanda mentioend old Mabel; when i was the announcer on C&B in 1971, i beleive, we came up short on presenters, so i worked a three act with Mabel as the lead elephant--she had one speed, slow, but knew the routine by she had been doing for maybe 50 years?